The hormone changes in men occur gradually over time, unlike the abrupt hormonal shifts seen in women during menopause.

- Aging-related hormone changes in men differ from menopause in women, with testosterone declining gradually over years Low testosterone can go unnoticed in older men, and the symptoms are not exclusive to low testosterone
- Treatment options vary, with potential benefits and risks, and decisions should be made after discussing symptoms and testing with a healthcare provider

Debunking the Male Menopause Myth
The production of testosterone and other hormones gradually decreases over many years, and the resulting consequences are not as straightforward. This gradual reduction of testosterone levels is referred to as late-onset hypogonadism or age-related low testosterone. On average, a man's testosterone levels decrease by about 1% each year after reaching the age of 40. However, it's crucial to note that most older men maintain testosterone levels within the normal range, with only an estimated 10% to 25% having levels considered low.Low testosterone levels in older men often go unnoticed. While it is possible to measure testosterone levels through a blood test, such tests are not routinely administered. Common indicators suggestive of low testosterone include:
- Reduced sexual desire and activity
- Decreased spontaneous erections or erectile dysfunction
- Breast discomfort or swelling
- Infertility
- Height loss, low-trauma fracture, or low bone mineral density
- Hot flashes or night sweats
Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Men with Low Testosterone
Medical experts recommend that older men be tested for low testosterone only if they exhibit signs or symptoms (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceMale menopause: Myth or reality?
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In cases of confirmed low testosterone, further assessment of the pituitary gland is recommended to ascertain the underlying cause and rule out other hormone deficiencies.
In 2020, the American College of Physicians recommended that physicians consider initiating testosterone treatment in men experiencing sexual dysfunction who seek to improve their sexual function, provided that the risks and benefits of the therapy are thoroughly explained.
In 2018, the Endocrine Society recommended testosterone therapy for men with age-related low testosterone who exhibit associated signs and symptoms.
If you decide to undergo testosterone therapy, your healthcare provider will explain the various methods of administration, target testosterone levels, and the necessity for follow-up testing.
The Effectiveness and Risks of Testosterone Therapy
For some men, testosterone therapy effectively alleviates the bothersome signs and symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency. However, for others, the benefits remain unclear, and potential risks exist.Research in this field is ongoing, but some studies suggest that testosterone therapy might stimulate the growth of metastatic prostate and breast cancer. Additionally, it may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and contribute to the formation of blood clots in the veins.
Note: Before commencing testosterone therapy, your doctor will likely advise against it if you plan to father children in the near future or if you have specific medical conditions, including breast or prostate cancer, untreated severe obstructive sleep apnea, uncontrolled heart failure or thrombophilia, or if you have recently experienced a heart attack or stroke.
If you suspect that you might have low testosterone, it is advisable to discuss your signs and symptoms with your healthcare provider. They can guide you through the process of testing and discuss potential treatment options while helping you weigh the pros and cons of treatment.
The decision to pursue testosterone therapy should be made with careful consideration of your unique medical history and circumstances.
- Male menopause: Myth or reality? - (