Maintaining Kidney Health The Ayurveda Way

Maintaining Kidney Health The Ayurveda Way

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Discover the natural and safe methods of Ayurveda for treating kidney disease and strengthening your renal system.

  • Ayurveda offers a natural and holistic approach to treating kidney disease and promoting kidney health
  • It is important to stay hydrated and maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to support kidney function and prevent renal complications
  • It is also necessary to manage blood pressure and blood sugar levels to protect kidney function and reduce the risk of kidney damage
Being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or, worse, kidney failure might be frightening. However, scientists believe that if the condition is detected early on, some procedures can be performed to prolong kidney function. According to estimates, about 850 million people worldwide suffer from renal disease due to a variety of factors. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two leading causes of renal failure.

Holistic Approach to Kidney Disease Treatment

Although renal transplants and dialysis are the two most prevalent treatments for kidney failure or chronic kidney disease, each has its own set of complications (1 Trusted Source
Chronic Renal Failure

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). During a transplant, the kidney may be rejected by the patient's body, and there is a risk of infection during dialysis. When it comes to natural and safe kidney disease treatment, Ayurveda has always been a standout.

Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Kidneys

Here are some Ayurvedic tips for keeping your kidneys healthy, rejuvenating, and strengthening the renal system:
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids will help kidneys eliminate sodium, urea, and toxins from the body, lowering your risk of developing renal disease. At the same time, it is critical to prevent excessive fluid consumption because it might produce negative effects by driving the kidneys to over-function to filter the excess toxins. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day to be healthy (2 Trusted Source
    Hydration and Chronic Kidney Disease Progression: A Critical Review of the Evidence

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  • Kidney detox: According to Ayurveda, periodic kidney cleansing can be accomplished with the use of some potent Ayurvedic medicines. Diuretic herbs such as parsley, Gokshur, Varuna, Punarnava (3 Trusted Source
    A clinical comparative study of the management of chronic renal failure with Punarnavadi compound

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    ), and celery help flush out the kidneys and urinary system while also lowering toxin levels in the body. Herbal tea can also be made by steeping any of these herbs in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes.

  • Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet: To keep your kidneys in excellent health and maintain optimal body weight, eat a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fiber fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, avoid processed or quick meals and limit your salt intake. A low-calorie diet would be preferable to a high-protein diet, as the former could increase the stress on the kidneys. Consuming superfoods such as grapes, apples, blueberries, garlic, and cabbage will also promote kidney health. Amla juice is highly suggested for removing toxins and preventing the formation of kidney stones.

  • Control your blood pressure and sugar levels: Kidney damage is increased by high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. Few individuals realize that high blood pressure is the most prevalent cause of kidney damage because it is commonly associated with a stroke or heart attack. Regular check-ups to understand or know the health of your kidneys can aid in the prevention or reduction of kidney disease (4 Trusted Source
    Impact of hypertension and diabetes on the onset of chronic kidney disease in a general Japanese population

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Ayurveda has been discovered to be an excellent long-term strategy to promote kidney health since it naturally heals the doshas (imbalances) in the body. Ayurvedic herbs and treatments, for example, balance pitta (fire energy) levels in the body and repair the kidneys naturally, as opposed to allopathy drugs, which have several adverse effects. In certain circumstances, Ayurvedic medicine has allowed kidney patients to discontinue dialysis.

  1. Chronic Renal Failure - (
  2. Hydration and Chronic Kidney Disease Progression: A Critical Review of the Evidence - (
  3. A clinical comparative study of the management of chronic renal failure with Punarnavadi compound - (
  4. Impact of hypertension and diabetes on the onset of chronic kidney disease in a general Japanese population - (


Have you ever tried alternative therapies, such as Ayurveda, for kidney health management?









