Men’s Health Awareness Month 2021

Men’s Health Awareness Month 2021

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November is marked as men’s health awareness month to raise attention on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.

  • Men’s Health Awareness Month is celebrated throughout November to educate and promote global awareness of men’s physical and mental health.
  • The day also fosters for improved and precise health policies and services that help meet the specific needs of all men
  • Men throughout the world grow a mustache for the global significance of men’s health
November is marked as Men’s Health Awareness Month to raise attention on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
The annual day invites men all around the world to grow mustache and facial hair for 30 days to be signified as a walking, talking billboard for men’s health.


Burden of Men’s Health

It is estimated that men die 5 years earlier at higher rates than women especially due to cancer, heart disease, or unintentional injuries as per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

In general, the life expectancy for men at birth is 75.1 as per the CDC. This might be due to ignorance and lack of understanding of the physical and mental health, among men. In addition, most of the men spend the last years of their lives in poor health.

"This macho male image of, ‘I'm tough, I don't need to reach out for help, I don't need to show my emotions, I don't need to let people know what's going on,’ and again, this has come through generations," says Mark Sigmund, a mental health therapist at Retreat Behavioral Health. He adds that this allows the male patients to even skip out their regular visits.


Suicide among Men

Isolation is key to depression that overtime transforms into suicide. As men rarely seek out help, this raises their risk of mental ailments like depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and subsequent suicide.

Men are almost 4 times more likely than women to commit suicide. Moreover, all men above the age of 85 years and gay or transgender men below 25 years are at the even highest risk.


Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity generally emboldens men to value qualities like isolation, stoicism, and control their emotions rather than regulating them. This allows men to not reach out for help.

The values nurture deadly veracity concerning men’s physical and mental health. Several studies also emphasize the consequences of toxic masculinity as a huge barrier to men’s health.

Factors Contributing to Ill-Health in Men

It is observed that men are 24% less likely than women to have a doctor visit over the past year. To add a glimpse, some of the common factors that contribute to poor health in men are:
  • Lack of cognizance and understanding of men’s health issues
  • Men not openly discussing their health and how they’re feeling
  • Hesitancy to initiate help when men are physically or mentally ill
  • Seeking out for risky activities that lurk danger to their health
  • Societal stigmas on mental health, especially men

Annual Observance

To reduce the impact of ill-health on men, November has been recognized as the month of social awareness on men’s health. The awareness month thereby encourages promoting health among men and teaches young boys about healthy habits.

“So the sooner someone can get evaluated and treated, the outcome will be better. Some of the diagnoses we see need urgent evaluation and intervention and I feel we can provide that. As a community hospital, that’s an important opportunity to offer,” says Dr. Andrew Dreslin, Gifford Urologist

Several countries across the globe rejoice the month through various events and outreach activities like health fairs, health education, health checkups, and cancer screening in males.

Movember Package for Men’s Health

Movember is one of the leading charity organizations that embolden men’s health on a global scale. The establishment focuses on building a transformation in men’s mental health, suicide prevention, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer.

The percentage of men who are less likely to visit a doctor than women is nearly 25%. Hence, it is apparent to dedicate one entire month to demolish the ignorance of men’s health.

NIPD Genetics has also formulated the Movember Package that assesses the overall health of men through analysis of specific biomarkers for prostate, testicular, liver, pancreatic, bone, and colorectal cancer in blood and urine samples.

In addition, every purchase of the Movember package by NIPD Genetics through the month allows a donation of €5 to Europa Uomo Cyprus (involved in raising public awareness about prostate cancer).

Encourage Men’s Health this November

  • Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among men.
  • Prostate cancers show no symptoms until it is advanced. It is thereby necessary for early prostate cancer screening.
  • An annual blood test – PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) along with a prostate examination helps identify the prostate cancer in its earlier course.
  • Check your testicles for any abnormality and seek the doctor for help.
  • Although women are twice as likely to get a depression diagnosis, it is estimated that men are equal sufferers of depression.
  • The limited diagnosis of depression in men might be because they are not pursuing help.
  • Men must stay connected with those who make them feel good and engage in such activities.
It is thereby imperative that men boldly seek out help and treatment through regular checkups for contributing much to themselves and their community – rather healthy masculinity!

  1. Men’s health awareness for November 2021 - (
  2. Men’s health awareness month: Many experts say men’s depression is underdiagnosed - (
  3. November is Men’s Health Awareness Month - (
  4. Men’s Health Month - (
  6. Movember- Men’s Health Awareness Month - (










