Exercising during monsoon can become difficult. Here are seven yoga exercises that help you stay fit even during the monsoon.
- Simple yoga exercises help build strength, meditation, relaxation and focus
- Exercise every day for 60 minutes to stay active and fit during the monsoon when you are unable to step out
- Eat well, exercise daily, and take adequate rest during the rainy season
How to be Safe and Healthy during Monsoon?
The monsoon season is a time of great change and one can witness nature’s full splendor. However, the weather can be unpredictable and harsh, which can lead to dangerous conditions. Added to this monsoon also carries with it the never-ending spells of sickness and cold. One’s immune system is tested through the entire season.To stay safe and healthy during the monsoon season, follow these simple tips:
- Avoid overexerting yourself. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid risks that could lead to injury or worse due to the slippery surfaces
- If possible, stay inside during thunderstorms
- Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of fluids to avoid getting sick or injured
- Stay safe while outdoors. Wear sturdy shoes and clothing that will keep you warm and dry in case of rain or snow
- Stay in touch with loved ones via social media or phone calls, and always take precautions when traveling in unfamiliar areas
- Keep your gadgets like mobile charged and keep extra batteries for your torch in case of a power surge or breakdown
Seven Yoga Exercises for Monsoon Season
Yoga and nutrition expert Garima Goyal recommends doing a workout session of 60 minutes a day to help you stay active and fit during the season. Garima further shares simple yoga exercises to help build strength, agility, meditation, relaxation, and focus.Padangusthasana (Big Toe): Padangusthasana is a foundational asana in Ashtanga Yoga. It is a basic standing position that incorporates forward bending. The asana is classified as beginning due to its easiness. Padangusthasana stretches every muscle in the body from head to toe. It relaxes the body and soothes discomfort. It is beneficial for flat feet, among other things. Padangusthasana is an excellent place to begin your yoga experience.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Trikonasana is derived from the Sanskrit terms ’Trikona’ (three corners) and ’Asana’ (posture). In trikonasana, the practitioner spreads their legs apart without bending their knees, with their hands extended apart, producing a 90-degree angle between the upper and lower bodies. Trikonasana yoga, also known as Triangle position exercise, is a standing posture that improves strength, balance, and flexibility. There are several variants in the trikonasana stages or processes. In general, it is divided into three types: Baddha Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, and Utthita Trikonasana.
Utkatasana (Chair Pose): Chair posture, also known as ‘awkward chair pose’ and ‘fierce stance’, is a form of asana or yoga practice. Begin standing and bend your knees to lower your body as if sitting in an imaginary chair. This standing forward bend is part of the Vinyasa or Ashtanga yoga Sun Salutation routine. Chair posture strengthens your legs, upper back, and shoulders while improving balance and flexibility. The chair position is a standing yoga practice that works the core. This stance may help you strengthen your legs, back, and shoulders.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Bhujangasana is derived from the words bhujanga (cobra or snake) and asana (position). Cobra Stretch is another name for Bhujangasana. Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations Position) and Padma Sadhana incorporate this pose. Do you wish to tone your stomach but lack time to go to the gym? Are you exhausted or anxious as a result of an excessive workload? Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra Stretch, is a great way to cure these and other issues while sitting (or lying down) at home! Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra Pose, is performed while laying on your stomach. It stretches your body (particularly your back) and rapidly melts your tension!
Shishuasana (Child Pose): A child’s pose, also known as balasana/shishuasana, is a beginner’s position that aids in the relaxation of the mind and body. Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Bala, which means ‘young and childlike,’ and asana, which means ‘seat or sat pose.’ It is a vital resting posture that helps to quiet your senses. A fundamental yoga stance teaches us that inactivity may be as helpful as action and doing. It’s a chance to take a breather, assess your circumstances, and prepare to move on.
Stay safe and healthy this monsoon season!