Briakinumab was demonstrated to be far more effective than methotrexate, the commonly used drug for psoriasis.

Methotrexate has been the mainstay of treatment of psoriasis for decades. The new experimental drug belongs to a group of drugs called biologics, i.e. drugs created by biologic processes, rather than being chemically synthesized. Biologics have easier-to-use risk profiles and are much safer than methotrexate.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that is yet to have a complete cure. It can however be controlled with medications. Tremendous research has produced a number of promising therapies for the condition. Study researcher Kristian Reich, MD says that “This drug (Briakinumab) has had, in this trial, the highest efficacy we have ever seen with any biologic in psoriasis before.”
The current trial weighed the effects of briakinumab against the classical therapy with methotrexate. A total of 317 patients with moderate to severe psoriasis took part in the study. About 60 percent of the 154 patients treated with briakinumab showed near or complete clearance of skin lesions produced by psoriasis. This result could be achieved only by about 10% to 20% of 163 patients in the group of patients taking methotrexate.
The drug does come with serious side effects, like a higher risk of certain forms of cancer like breast cancer and prostate cancer. Herpes Zoster infection was another serious adverse effect observed. The side effects of briakinumab were not significantly different from those in patients treated with methotrexate.
On account of the side effects and the requirement of clearer scrutiny, the drug is yet to be completely approved for patients. There has also been criticism of the trial blaming it for ‘being too short and including too few patients to detect harm’.