
Not Just the Brain: Cells Across Your Body Have Memory!

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Non-memory cells activated memory genes more effectively when exposed to spaced chemical pulses, just like how our brains retain info better with spaced learning.

Not Just the Brain: Cells Across Your Body Have Memory!
  • Learning and memory are not functions of just brain, other cells also have memory
  • Memory can be retained for a longer when learned in a spaced-interval manner
  • The ability to learn from spaced repetition is not unique to memory cells but can be a fundamental property of all cells
Learning and memory are associated with brain and brain cells alone, but scientists have found that other human cells can learn and form memories (1 Trusted Source
The massed-spaced learning effect in non-neural human cells

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A team of scientists have discovered that cells from other parts of the body also perform a memory function, opening new pathways for understanding how memory works and creating the potential to enhance learning and treat memory-related afflictions.

New study published in Nature Communication reveals that non-memory cells retained memories in a similar way as memory cells. It is now believed that memory storage and recall can be a fundamental property of many cells and not only neurons.

Does Massed-Spaced Effect Work?

To understand if non-memory cells help with memory, they used a neurological principle called spacing effect. The spacing effect known as massed-spaced effect is the phenomenon that memory tends to retain if learned in a spaced interval rather than in a single intensive session (cramming for a test).

Two non-memory cells, neuroblastoma cells (nerve cells but non-neural in function) and kidney cells were exposed to different patterns of chemicals, just like memory cells are exposed to patterns of neurotransmitters when new information is learned.

To monitor cellular responses, they engineered the cells to produce a glowing protein when a “memory gene” is active, to track how the cells respond to massed (intensive) vs spaced (intermittent) pulses.

Can Spaced Repetition Learning Help in Memory Improvement?

The non-memory cells were able to distinguish between repeated chemical pulses (neurotransmitter bursts in brain) versus prolonged pulses. This was similar to how memory cells register spaced learning leads to better memory retention than cramming all the information.

When the chemical pulses were delivered in spaced intervals, the cells activated ‘memory genes’ more intensely for a longer duration compared to when the pulses were given in a continuous massed pattern.

The spaced pulses triggered a strong, long-lasting activation of memory gene that mirrors the brain’s enhanced response to spaced repetition. This highlights that spaced repetition, a principle of effective learning can be a cellular process.

This proves the principle of the massed-spaced effect is effective in learning process. It also shows the ability to learn from spaced repetition is not unique to memory cells but can be a fundamental property of all cells.

The discovery helps in understanding how memory works and to improve learning and treat memory problems. It also suggests that the human body must be treated in the same way as the brain.

While treating any condition, it must be known that cells have memories, like what pancreatic cells remember about the pattern of past meals to maintain a healthy glucose level or what cancer cells remember about chemotherapy.

This helps scientists understand why certain conditions are resistant to treatment and find better treatments by understanding what the cells remember. It can also pave the way for innovative treatments in cognitive health and expand the understanding of memory.

  1. The massed-spaced learning effect in non-neural human cells - (










