A recent study says that there was a sharp incline in attempted suicides during the pandemic among teens.
- The COVID-19 pandemic turned lives upside down, so much so that people were compelled to take their own lives
- A recent study suggests that hospitalizations owing to suicide attempts in young people were on the rise during the pandemic
- The authors note that schools should focus on advocating mental health

Sharp Rise in Suicide Attempts During the Pandemic
The figures start off optimistic, with a 32% reduction in pediatric emergency department visits for any health-related reasons during the pandemic. However, the figures soon become concerning, with a 22% increase in children and adolescents going to emergency departments for suicide attempts, and an 8% increase in visits for suicide ideation.Madigan says, “What this 22% increase means is that in an average emergency department setting, there were 102 child and adolescent visits per month for suicide attempts before the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased to 125 per month during the pandemic.”
Even though the statistics are shocking, they don’t necessarily come as a surprise. In the summer of 2021, the same research team led a study which found that depression and anxiety symptoms doubled in children and adolescents during the first year of the pandemic, and the authors cautioned that it was a global mental health crisis.
Possible Mental Health Crisis
“In our earlier work on mental health in the pandemic, we determined that kids were in crisis, and that we needed to bolster services and resources, or it was going to get worse,” says Madigan, who is a Canada Research Chair in Determinants of Child Development. “There’s been a debate during the pandemic as to whether the kids are alright or not alright. Now that more data have been published and analyzed, we can more precisely answer that question. The kids are, in fact, not alright.”Superficially, there seems to be a confusing discrepancy because, on the one hand, there was an overall reduction in pediatric emergency department visits during the pandemic. On the other hand, there was a sharp spike in visits associated with suicide attempts and suicide ideation. But, beneath the surface, it makes perfect sense, says Madigan, who co-authored the Lancet Psychiatry study with researchers from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, the University of Ottawa, and University College Dublin.
Impact of Pandemic on the Mental Health
Fear of COVID-19 infection and other factors kept people away from emergency departments for most health conditions during the pandemic. But in that same period, the proven risk factors for mental illness in children and adolescents increased dramatically. Children’s screen time rose greatly during the pandemic as physical activity levels suffered. Many families were in turmoil as jobs were lost, family violence increased, and the mental health of parents deteriorated.“These are all accelerants to mental distress,” says Madigan. “Children have an ability to show resilience in difficult times, but they were pushed beyond what is tolerable, beyond their capacity-to-cope threshold. And now, far more kids and teens are in crisis than was the case before the pandemic.”
The research included studies published between January 2020 and July 2021 that contained data on pediatric emergency department visits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to the summer of 2021.
As ongoing studies on the more recent administrative health data have yet to be published, the authors say the Lancet Psychiatry article findings provide the clearest snapshot of the pandemic up to about July 2021. Madigan says, “We will continue to monitor the incoming data to see if this trend of increasing emergency department visits for suicide attempts and suicide ideation among children and adolescents continues to climb as the pandemic changes and evolves.”
Prior to the pandemic, about one in five children worldwide were experiencing some form of mental illness, but only 25% of those in serious need of treatment received it. As mental health stressors escalated overwhelmingly during the pandemic, the need for mental health resources increased in kind, and services and supports are still insufficient to meet the overwhelming demand for mental health treatment.
“We can’t ignore that the mental health of children and adolescents is in crisis,” Madigan says. “We need to prioritize the creation of mental health resources, supports, and services now, to help children shift from languishing to flourishing.” To do so, she suggests that governments need to invest in community resources and infrastructure to support the identification and treatment of mental illness, as well as school programs that focus on prevention and mental health literacy
- Comparison of paediatric emergency department visits for attempted suicide, self-harm, and suicidal ideation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis - (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(23)00036-6/fulltext)