
Some Bad Things That Could be Good for You

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Discover some seemingly ‘bad’ things that may actually benefit your health in more ways than one.

Some Bad Things That Could be Good for You
There has been a steady increase in the awareness among the public about matters of general health, nutrition and diet due to media exposure and globalization. This has also contributed to an increase in the number of researches being conducted regarding the foods and lifestyles that could help improve health among individuals and those that could cause harm.
Among those unlucky foods and lifestyle habits that generally fall under the ‘bad’ category, the following demonstrate a few positive effects on health..

Caffeine: People with breathing problems have a reason to rejoice! Caffeine is a known muscle-relaxant that helps reduce the severity of asthma symptoms. Also, it helps release fatty acids into the bloodstream, essential for various physiological processes. People with fecal incontinence should, however, limit their caffeine intake as it tends to loosen the sphincter muscles.

Stress: Anxiety, depression and stress-three words that are seemingly inter-related and often affect an individual one day or the other. They are regarded as the cause of various potentially dangerous diseases including heart attacks, high blood pressure and more. However, studies show that a certain amount of stress is actually good for a person, especially in terms of work performance. It stimulates and enhances mental ability and helps the individual work out of the comfort zone, leading to better performance at work, and increased success rates.

Ice cream: Just like bananas, ice creams are low glycemic index foods. They help the slow release of energy, helping you feel satisfied for a longer period of time. Also, the milk in the ice-cream has contributed to lower rates of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer, among many others.

Red wine: You may have heard a lot of times that red wine helps protect against heart disease but it also appears to have additional health benefits. The polyphenols in red wine are effective in protecting against cancer and being anti-bacterial in nature, prevent the growth of certain strains of bacteria.

Chocolate: Apart from the blissful feeling that you get after eating a bar of chocolate, cocoa products and chocolates do have their own benefits. Moderate consumption of chocolates boosts the mood, prevents diarrhea and cough, stimulates the brain and even helps fight cancer. Go ahead and indulge!

Beer: Moderate beer consumption may actually help ward away heart disease, mental decline and stroke. A study conducted a few years back even suggests that low-alcohol beer may have anti-cancer properties.

Computer games: Until now, it was presumed that kids playing computer games were lazy and inactive; however, the scenario is fast changing. A number of recent surveys confirm the fact that children spending an hour of their day playing computer games have better hand-eye co-ordination, IQ and even reflexes. In some cases, children have even shown a better understanding of their concepts of science and math.










