Teen Cured of Rare Genetic Disorder: World's First Case

Teen Cured of Rare Genetic Disorder: World's First Case

by Dr. Trupti Shirole on Apr 24 2024 10:17 PM
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  • A pioneering medical team achieved a landmark by curing Kai, 13, of WILD syndrome and severe chylous ascites, rare genetic disorders
  • Dr. Mona Mossad's innovative approach and collaborative effort led to a groundbreaking treatment plan, a first in pediatric care
  • Kai's remarkable response to treatment underscores the dedication and expertise of the medical team at Staffordshire Children’s Hospital
A team of innovative British doctors achieved a medical milestone by curing a teenager diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disorder, WILD syndrome, and severe chylous ascites. Kai Xue, 13, was among just 21 individuals worldwide afflicted with WILD syndrome, a condition characterized by cell impairment, warts, and susceptibility to infections (1 Trusted Source
Teen with Incredibly Rare Genetic Condition is Cured in World First By British Doctors

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). Additionally, Kai battled severe chylous ascites, a life-threatening ailment causing 28 liters of lymphatic fluid accumulation in her abdomen.

A Decade-Long Journey to Diagnosis and Treatment

Ning Chen, Kai's mother, recounted a challenging journey of seeking treatment for her daughter, which included visits to various hospitals and even a trip to China. However, after more than a decade of uncertainty, Kai's condition was finally diagnosed by Dr. Mona Mossad, a renowned expert in lymphatic intervention. Dr. Mossad collaborated with skilled surgeons to develop a groundbreaking treatment plan, marking the first time such a procedure was offered to a child.

The medical team's comprehensive approach involved improving Kai's lymphatic drainage and performing intricate surgery to block lymphatic vessels in her liver. Despite the complexity of the case, Kai responded remarkably well to the treatment, eventually allowing her to return home to her family.

Celebrating Kai's Recovery and the Medical Team's Dedication

Dr. Yvonne Slater, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist at Staffordshire Children’s Hospital at Royal Stoke, expressed delight at Kai's positive response to treatment, emphasizing the collaborative effort of multiple medical teams involved in her care.

Ning expressed heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and surgeons who played a pivotal role in her daughter's recovery, praising their dedication and expertise. She credited the entire medical team for their exceptional care and support throughout Kai's journey to recovery, underscoring their unwavering commitment to providing the best possible outcome for their patients.

  1. Teen with Incredibly Rare Genetic Condition is Cured in World First By British Doctors - ( )

