Research confirms the role of Teeth in mate selection. Beautiful teeth increases once chance of getting a mate.

The human teeth are equivalent to a peacock’s tail, as they aid in mate selection. A “proud” peacock can be seen in all his glory during the mating season, when his splendorous tail is on display to allure his mate. Similarly, a beautiful set of pearly whites not only symbolizes health and beauty, it also has the ability to set a mate’s heart soaring!
In a study conducted by researchers from the universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire to understand the role of teeth in mate selection, pictures of models were taken and the colour and spacing of their teeth were digitally changed. Three colors were used in the experiment -- a yellowish brown, healthy white, and startling white, which is a color that only bleaching can achieve.
The photos were then showed to young men and women who were asked about how attractive they found the models in the photos. It came as no surprise when the young folks did not find the yellow and widely-spaced teeth attractive.
The condition of one’s teeth is of great significance as it carries tell-tale marks of illnesses, genetic conditions and nutritional state of the person. According to experts, the state of women’s teeth is of greater significance as it has been looked upon as a tell tale sign of age, besides helping to determine how far she is away from menopause. A man could be drawn to a woman with beautiful teeth while a woman could look upon another woman with beautiful teeth and find a competitor in her.
The results of the present study have been published in the journal PLoS ONE.