World Hand Hygiene Day is observed on 5th May to highlight the importance of washing hands to prevent the spread of infections and antibiotic resistance.
- World Hand Hygiene Day emphasizes the importance of hand washing to fight antibiotic resistance
- ‘Fight Antibiotic Resistance - It's in your Hands' is the theme for World Hand Hygiene Day
- Hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of infection-causing germs in healthcare facilities
Importance of Hand Hygiene
Most of the infections and diseases are caused by germs that spread by people's actions. One simple, yet effective way to prevent the spread of infection is by maintaining good hand hygiene. A simple change in behavior such as washing hands regularly can reduce the spread of infections and save the lives of millions.

Hand Hygiene and Antibiotic Resistance
In the recent years, the global threat of antibiotic resistance has intensified. Antibiotic resistance occurs when a microorganism is no longer destroyed or stopped by antibiotic medications. Microbes have become resistant to almost all antibiotics in use. Thus, a simple act of keeping the hands germ-free can prevent the spread of resistant microbes that can be present on or in patients or the environment.
Hand Hygiene in Healthcare
Studies have shown that healthcare professionals clean their hands less than half of the times they should. Unclean hands increase the risk of healthcare-associated infections that affect one in 25 hospital patients. One in ten patients gets an infection while receiving treatment. Thirty-two percent of patients receiving surgical care suffer from post-operative infection.
Dr Fikri added, “Healthcare-associated infections cause harm that can be easily avoided. They also result in additional financial burden and sometimes even long-term disabilities or death. I urge all healthcare workers to ensure adequate hand hygiene and all healthcare facilities to commit to improving hand hygiene practices to help save more lives.”
- In high-income countries, healthcare-associated infections can affect at least seven out of every 100 hospitalized patients.
- In low and middle-income countries, healthcare-associated infections can affect 10 in every 100 hospitalized patients.
- In Intensive Care Unit, 30 out of 100 patients suffer from healthcare-associated infections.
- Before touching a patient
- Before cleaning and aseptic procedures such as inserting catheters
- After contact with body fluids
- After touching a patient
- After touching patient surroundings
Adequate hand hygiene can save eight million lives every year in hospitals alone. Remember, clean hands can make the healthcare facilities a safer place to receive and provide care.
- SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands 5 May 2017 - (
- Clean Hands Count for Safe Healthcare - (
- Good hand hygiene by health workers protects patients from drug resistant infections - (