
Healthy Babies from Faithful Partners

by Savitha C Muppala on Nov 14 2009 11:47 PM

A new study published in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology has shown the benefits of a single long-term partner in producing healthier babies.

A new study published in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology has shown the benefits of a single long-term partner in producing healthier babies.

Consistent exposure to the father’s semen prevents new mothers from suffering pre-eclampsia (pregnancy induced hypertension) and having an undersized baby.

In a study conducted by the University of Auckland (U-A), 2,507 women who were pregnant for the first time were questioned about the duration of their relationship with the biological father of their baby.

The study revealed that pre-eclampsia was found to be far less among women who were involved for a longer time with the biological father than those who had relationship with their partner for a short time.

Researcher Larry Chamley said, "Whether prolonged semen exposure does protect against developing pre-eclampsia is not yet resolved, this paper seems to tip the weight of evidence back in favour of suggesting that prolonged semen exposure is protective."

