A helpline for lesbians has been started by the Indian Community Welfare Organisation (ICWO) in Chennai.

Talking about Indian society's poor acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities, Ankith, a counsellor, at ICWO, stressed on the need for creating awareness in society about the same.
"In this country, we do not respect lesbians. We are not ready to accept them as people. The lesbians are not ready to come out due to society and also they feel shy and scared. We are taking steps to spread awareness about lesbians among the people, he said.
Legalising homosexuality has had little impact on the deeply entrenched homophobia in the society, which leads parents of homosexuals to force them into arranged marriages, in order to avoid humiliation and marginalisation from mainstream society.
Bridget Jankovsky, an intern at ICWO from U.S., said that awareness created by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), help lines and volunteers can raise the status of lesbians in society.
"I think this help line is really important to bring awareness and education to the people, and to be a support system for the lesbian population, that faces so much stigma on a regular basis," Jankovsky said.
"We get a lot of phone calls, registering the anger on this service. Some people say they cannot tolerate this type of support, which comes officially in the media, and I respect this. Everyone has a right to express their view," Hariharan said.
This help line, run by volunteers, is helping in providing relief to the lesbians, and plans to expand by getting more volunteers and a better system for dispensation of information.
The help line functions from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. It has been scheduled to function till August 31 and based on the response the functioning of the help line may further extend.