India's Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss Monday said that the government would include Hepatitis B vaccination under its national immunisation programme
India's Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss Monday said that the government would include Hepatitis B vaccination under its national immunisation programme as it has been emerging as a "problem greater than AIDS."
Addressing the valedictory function of an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-World Health Organisation (WHO) organised training workshop on laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis at the regional ICMR centre here, the minister expressed concern over the spread of the disease at an alarming rate."As 60 percent of glass syringes have been found unsafe, India would go for auto-disable syringes in a big way for all immunisations," he said.
"The non-communicable diseases remain a cause of concern."
"India is infamously known as the diabetes capital of the world. Cancer is on the rise and 3 percent of the total population suffers from mental ailments that require hospitalisation. We face a big challenge to deal with these problems," the minister said.