
Herpes Treatment Causes a Decline in AIDS Virus

by Savitha C Muppala on Feb 22 2007 8:58 PM

United States: Anti-herpes treatment to patients suffering genital herpes and AIDS was observed to be causing a setback to the relationship between the microbes that trigger herpes attacks, causing a decline in the viral loads in patients.

Basis the findings of a study, the women taking anti-viral drug, valacycovir, showed that the risk of a heroes infection was down by more than half; further, despite not targeting the HIV virus, the treatment also caused a decline in HIV infections by 50%.

'Dr. Larry Corey, principal investigator of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle said, ‘The study, and others, clearly shows that there is some kind of synergy between the two viruses that is not good for the person.'

It is estimated that more than 50% of the people with HIV are infected with herpes simplex virus-2. According to Dr.Larry, it is important to treat patients suffering herpes simplex virus with anti-virus medication.

'We can see that the treatment upset the synergy between these viruses and may have beneficial effects for patients with both infections,' Dr Larry said.

