
Hidden Dangers of Pigeon Droppings: Pigeon Poop Causes Lung Failure in 2 Women

by Adeline Dorcas on Jan 20 2020 12:16 PM

Hidden Dangers of Pigeon Droppings: Pigeon Poop Causes Lung Failure in 2 Women
Pigeon droppings were blamed as one of the leading causes for lung failure in two women (a 38-year-old from Borivli and a 68-year-old from Breach Candy) who recently underwent lung transplant at a hospital in Central Mumbai.
Is //Pigeon Poop Dangerous to Health?
Pigeons are commonly known to carry a wide range of diseases and infections. Wherever pigeons build a nest, they tend to dirty it very soon with their poop. Pigeon droppings carry a variety of germs that can be very dangerous for human.

"These women suffered from a condition called chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or environment-related lung fibrosis, for years", said pulmonologist Unmil Shah.

The medical history noted down by Shah, and other pulmonologists stated that these patients visited over the years reported pigeon droppings in the common duct areas of their building.

Pulmonologist Sujeet Rajan said hypersensitivity pneumonitis is emerging as the most common cause for interstitial lung disease (ILD). “It accounts for almost 47 percent of all ILDs, with pigeon droppings as a very common cause, besides chronically damp environments seen in homes with cracked walls and leakages, recent renovation and plastering work, and close to construction sites,” added Dr. Rajan.

Delayed diagnosis and treatment could be the leading cause for lung failure (interstitial lung disease), said doctors. “Around 2 lakh lung failure cases are identified each year in India alone, but there is little that can be done,” said heart and lung transplant surgeon Sandeep Attawar, who operated on Shah.

Dr. Rajan highlighted that he attends at least six patients with interstitial lung disease every day at his clinic. “Half of them suffer chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis,” he added.

Here are some health conditions that are associated with pigeon droppings:
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Candidiasis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Encephalitis
  • Salmonellosis

Therefore, it is always safe to deal with pigeon infestation as soon as possible to remove any risk of illness. The best thing one can do to get rid of the pigeon problem is to ensure that all the dirty walls and areas are properly cleaned and take appropriate measures to prevent the birds from re-establishing a home on your property.

