
High BP During Pregnancy Linked To Heart Disorders

According to a Dutch study, high blood pressure during pregnancy could lead to diabetes and cardio vascular disease later. This study was conducted among 491 post-menopausal women. Among them, those who had a high BP during their pregnancy had a 57% chance of developing atherosclerosis than their counterparts who had a normal BP.

The study which was published in the latest issue of ‘Hypertension’ suggests that calcification of the arteries results due to atherosclerosis. Pregnant women with high BP are advised to be cautious about cardiovascular disorders.

Dr. Sharonne Hayes of Mayo clinic in Rochester points out that 6-8% of American women are diagnosed with high BP during their pregnancy. A few of them develop into preeclampsia which can ruin the placenta, liver, kidney and brain. Some may go into eclamptic condition resulting in mortality.

As per Dr. Hayes, such women who develop high BP during pregnancy should be careful in maintaining their weight in the appropriate range, eat a health diet and refrain from smoking and drinking.

