A large percentage of adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have the high-risk subtype Philadelphia chromosome-like ALL, revealed a new study.

‘A high-risk subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) first identified in children is highly prevalent in adults with ALL and is associated with a poor outcome.’

The study of 798 adults, who were between the ages of 21 and 86
years old when their cancer was diagnosed, showed that 194 patients,
almost 25%, had the high-risk subtype Philadelphia
chromosome-like ALL (Ph-like ALL). Many patients had genetic changes
that suggest they may be treatable with targeted agents known as
tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including dasatinib, imatinib and
ruxolitinib. The drugs are already widely used to treat other types of
leukemia that are common in adults.

"This study establishes that a large percentage of adults with ALL have this high-risk subtype," said corresponding author Charles Mullighan, a member of the St. Jude Department of Pathology. "The finding provides a compelling reason to identify those with Ph-like ALL and move forward with clinical trials of these targeted therapies in combination with current chemotherapeutic regimens."
At St. Jude, about 94% of pediatric ALL patients are alive five years after diagnosis. In this study, adults with Ph-like ALL had a five-year survival rate of 23.8% compared to 52.4% for adults with other ALL subtypes.
The study builds on previous research from St. Jude, the federally funded Children's Oncology Group and other adult cooperative groups that identified Ph-like ALL as a distinct subtype of ALL first in children and then in young adults. "Our 2014 findings that the prevalence of Ph-like ALL increased with age and was particularly common in young adults generated tremendous interest because adult ALL is difficult to treat," Mullighan said. "In this study we determined that the prevalence remains high across the age spectrum of adults with ALL."
Researchers used gene expression profiling to identify cases of Ph-like ALL. The incidence among adults with ALL peaked at 27.9% in young adults between the ages of 21 and 39 years old. It remained 20% or more in patients between 40 and 86 years old.
"Our comprehensive sequencing showed that Ph-like ALL in adults is the most genetically diverse subtype of leukemia that has been described," said first author Kathryn Roberts, a St. Jude staff scientist. "Cumulatively more than 50 different chromosomal rearrangements involving 15 different kinases and cytokine receptors have been identified. In this study, we identified 11 chromosomal rearrangements that are new to Ph-like ALL."
The findings also highlight the importance of centralized comprehensive genomic sequencing for patients, said co-author Elisabeth Paietta, of the Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "Lymphoblasts from almost half of the patients with Ph-like ALL harbor a genomic rearrangement of CRLF2 (cytokine receptor-like factor 2), which can be detected by flow cytometry using an antibody to CRLF2. This is very important as it allows a quick characterization of this Ph-like ALL subtype, prior to any detailed sequencing," she said.
The study reflects a growing effort to understand cancer genetics across the age spectrum. "We have recognized for many years that childhood ALL does not exist in isolation, but is a subset of a disease that affects people of varying ages," Mullighan said.