
Hillary Clinton Vows to Protect Children from “inappropriate Video Game Content”

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton threatens to weed out “inappropriate content” from video games, inviting flak from many.

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton vows to protect children from “inappropriate video game content,”  but the blogosphere is outraged. It’s moral policing, they scream.

A couple of years ago a scandal over some sexual content in one of the video games in the Grand Theft Auto series caused a stir in the Capitol Hill. Hillary Clinton was one of the politicians who protested strongly and she went on to introduce the Family Entertainment Protection Act too. But the bill never came to be passed.

Now, over two years later, Hillary is making that video game an issue in her Presidential campaign by promising to “crack down” on computer-generated cartoon sex.

In a response to a questionnaire from the watchdog group Common Sense Media (CSM), Clinton reveals today that she still sees the affair as a victory for child safety. She describe her failed legislation as a as a response to the "illicit" sexual content in San Andreas, and says, as president, she'd support regulation of the gaming industry.

"When I am President, I will work to protect children from inappropriate video game content," she told CSM.

That puts her on the same page as Republican candidate Mitt Romney, who told CSM that the U.S. needs to "get serious against those retailers that sell adult video games that are filled with violence and that we go after those retailers." Clinton's fellow Democrats John Edwards, Barack Obama and Bill Richardson said they'd rather give the industry a chance to self-regulate, at least initially.

Clinton's Family Entertainment Protection Act would have made it a federal offense to sell adult-rated video games to minors. It never passed, but similar state laws have been struck down as unconstitutional, the Wired, popular internet magazine points out.

 But then the funny thing is, why Hillary and her comrades in Congress get all excited about the sex in video games like Grand Theft Auto, neither they nor the outraged parents who bought the game for their children were apparently concerned at all about the primary theme of the game, which is violence and crime, remarks acidly another critic.

Indeed, the entire point of GTA is marauding around a town killing, stealing, beating and maiming.  It is a very violent game, and that’s a fact that has never been hidden by the game’s producers given that the game has had a mature rating since it was released.

So what we’re left with is a situation where parents and politicians weren’t concerned when the came consisted of punching hookers in the face and/or murdering them, but were outraged when they learned that you could have sex with said hookers as well.

Does that not point to the hypocrisies of the opinion leaders in the country, many wonder.












