
Hip Replacement Surgery Successful in a 103-Year-Old Man

by Hannah Joy on Apr 26 2018 6:21 PM

A complicated right-hip replacement surgery was performed successfully on a 103-year-old man, named on Mohd. Bandhu Baksh, who is a native of Jharkhand.

Hip Replacement Surgery Successful in a 103-Year-Old Man
A 103-year-old man who fractured his hip bone 3 months ago while working at home was successfully operated by a team of orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeons led by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Associate Director, Orthopaedics Department, Jaypee Hospital in Noida.//
The high-risk surgery was performed on Mohd. Bandhu Baksh, a native of Jharkhand. The surgery was executed using minimally invasive method, minimising the bleeding risk and other wound related complications during surgery. A high degree of precision, coordinated team work and dexterity skills were executed by the team of operating surgeons to complete this complex surgery within the time frame with successful outcome.

Explaining about the case, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Associate Director, Orthopaedics Department, Jaypee Hospital said: “Since no proper treatment was provided to the patient, over period of time his condition had deteriorated. His movement was restricted, making him completely bed- ridden and dependent on other family members for day to day activities. Even slightest of movement would make him scream and toss on the bed.”

Due to the delayed treatment, complications such as dehydration, urine infection, chest infection and a massive bed sore also developed. Further, in two months after fracture, the bones had resorbed and soft tissues were all scarred and stuck to bone.

“We had to be very meticulous in handling soft tissues while maintaining homeostasis and ensuring the duration of anaesthesia/surgery is not prolonged to avoid chances of complications,” added Dr. Gupta.

A team, including Orthopaedic surgeons, Radiologist, General Physician, Anaesthetist, Physiotherapist and allied para-medical staff, was formed to best optimize the patient’s fitness for surgery.

Dr Gupta’s teammate, Dr. Mohammad Usman Khan, an Associate Consultant with Orthopaedics Department at Jaypee Hospital said: “Mr. Bandhu Baksh’s case was complex and very challenging. His age, delayed and neglected injury and other criticalities associated with his heart and other organs increased the risk factor of the surgery. Our ICU team and critical care unit was ready in case of any untoward event while performing the surgery.”

“After the successful surgery, he was kept in ICU for couple of days and then moved to the ward where the nursing and the physiotherapy team were able to help him walk again within a few days,” Dr. Khan added.

Wahid Najir, son of Bandhu Baksh was overjoyed with the conclusion. “We took my father to a hospital in Jharkhand but considering his old age, doctors refused to take the risk of treating him. After some time of struggling, we came to Jaypee Hospital for help. Without any hesitation, Dr. Gupta agreed to perform the surgery. Today my father is able to walk without pain and he has been cured of all the infections and bedsores. I am very grateful to all the team members of Jaypee Hospital”

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