
History of Brain Surgery Now in a ‘Grey’ Area Following Archeologists Finding

Bulgarian archeologists claim to have excavated fresh evidence supporting the view that ancient men did perform brain surgeries. The team of researchers led by Georgi Nehrizov claim to have unearthed a skull which appears to date back to the Thracian period which was 4000 years ago. The skull was found during excavations that were being carried out near the city of Svilengrad in Bulgaria.

Georgi Nehrizov informed the press that the skull, which they dugout dates back to 2500-1800 B C and that it bears a manually priced hole which seems to have been made for medical reasons. Thracians comprised of cross cultural tribes of Indo-European origin and native settlers in the Balkan region dating back to the Early Bronze Age. Thus this discovery noticed for being the first of its kind dating back to pre historic ages.

A crude form of surgery involving drilling a hole in the skull is mentioned in the annals of medical history called 'trepanation', which medical experts observe could have been practiced based on primitive notions regarding immaterial to material reasons.

