
HIV Vagabond Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison for Infecting Ex-girlfriend

A Judge sentenced a thirty-eight-year-old Italian chef, Mola, for deliberately infecting his ex-girlfriend, with HIV and Hepatitis C.

A Judge sentenced a thirty-eight-year-old Italian chef, Mola, for deliberately infecting his ex-girlfriend, with HIV and Hepatitis C.

Mola, who was HIV positive, was proud of his escapades- 200 of them and never thought it important to use protection during sex. He had met the lady in question, Miss X after he was diagnosed HIV positive. Miss X was a virgin. Mr. Mola had failed to be honest with his partner and purposefully exposed her to the grave risk of HIV.

Miss X was in a state of shock after she was diagnosed HIV positive and had turned reclusive. She also needed psychiatric help for sometime. The specialist attending to her explained that she could develop full-scale AIDS. It is crucial that she continues treatment throughout her life.

While pronouncing the sentence, the Judge told Giovanni Mola: "What you did showed utter indifference to her welfare. She will have to take drugs with serious and debilitating side effects, may face hospitalization and may well face an early death. Your victim had no sexual experience and relied on your judgment and experience as a sexually experienced person. You abused her trust and what you have done has devastated her and may have blighted the rest of her life."

Mola was sentenced to nine years in prison; After serving the sentence,he will be deported to organizations in charge of protecting women in UK.

