
Homeless People More Prone To Substance Abuse

The homeless population among New Yorkers are more prone to go in for substance abuse when compared to other sections of the population. Detox centers will be established at some of the shelters as deaths due to substance abuse are on the rise. Rapid HIV testing for women who are homeless and distribution of nicotine patches are also planned by the Health Department.

A large number of deaths in the shelters were accounted for by alcohol, AIDS, and drugs. Mental illness among the homeless accounted for many of the hospitalizations. The incidence of tuberculosis is also not uncommon among homeless people. HIV prevention information is being provided by New York’s Positive Health Project to control the spread of the disease which is largely prevalent among homosexuals.

More attention is being paid by the agency to the city’s private sex parties, wherein the possibility of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are higher. Most people who attend such parties are also reported to be unaware how vulnerable they really are. Drug overdoses are also quite common in parties such as this.
