
Homeopathic preparation better than placebo in perennial allergic

A homeopathic preparation for perennial allergic rhinitis appears to be more effective than placebo. A multicenter team studied 50 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. The subjects were randomized to receive either 30cc of a homeopathic preparation of principal inhalent allergen or placebo. In the third and fourth week after the start of treatment, the group compared changes in nasal inspiratory peak flow and visual symptom analogue scale scores to baseline measurements. The homoeopathy group had a significant objective improvement in nasal airflow compared with the placebo group (mean difference 19.8 L/min).

While both groups reported an improvement in symptoms, when the researchers combined the results from this trial with those of three previous trials (n = 253), there was a mean symptom reduction on visual analogue scores of 28% (10.9 mm) for homoeopathy compared with 3% (1.1 mm) for placebo.
