
Hostility breeds against Homeopathy in England following new regulations

Last month, The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency amended licensing rules pertaining homoeopathic medicines. With the amendment it is now possible to market homoeopathic remedies with licensed labels which describe the name and therapeutic application of remedies in question. This decision created a furore among conventional medical professionals who have written off homoeopathy as ‘mumbo jumbo’ and claim that this move would only legitimise a form of treatment which is hypothetical and apparently without scientific backing.

However the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency are unshaken by the uproar and seething remarks of over 700 GP’s and conventional doctors who have signed a memorandum against this move by the regulatory agency insinuating that this would grossly tamper the trust of the public regarding drug regulation. The agency has gracefully brushed of this offensive tirade by firmly vouching for homoeopathy and saying this rule only harnesses consumer information. Some conventional doctors have vehemently opposed this rule saying that homoeopathy only has a placebo effect and yet another group says it could mask the more serious underlying symptoms. If declared to have only a placebo effect as vouched by ‘Lancet’ the English medical journal, the it should not be potent to mask serious symptoms as some of the conventional doctors claim, counters eminent homoeopaths who have tried and tested most of these remedies with aplomb and are very pleased with the decision made.

The British Homoeopathic Association has voiced pain over this matter being pulled up for debate in the House of Lords.Well, if just a harmless placebo with no basis of therapeutic action giants in the mainstream medical circle should not raise such a hue and cry as consumers themselves will have the last word.

The medical world should not underestimate the power of simplicity nor forget the flaws of complex medicines which too have often failed the public and forced them to look for alternatives. After all history says puny David slew mighty Goliath!

