Allegations from a former worker that Cairns Mortuary is a house of horrors have been denied by Queensland Health.
Allegations from a former worker that Cairns Mortuary is a "house of horrors" have been denied by Queensland Health. The former worker is a young mother, who cannot be identified for legal reasons. She alleged that she experienced severe psychological trauma and is seeking damages from her former employer.
The woman says that she was traumatized after watching staff handle a body in a rough manner prior to post-mortem examination.Solicitor Rebecca Jancauskas said, "The mortuary was a house of horrors for our client. The account of the procedures witnessed at the mortuary is chilling."
Jancauskas also said that the woman had prior work experience and it was not a lack of integration with the nature of the job that caused distress. "Aside from the terrible impact on our client, there was a complete disrespect for the dignity of the deceased and their families," she added.
Greg Shaw, senior director of Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services, denied all such claims and said that the "mortuary is operating at a high standard and within all the appropriate guidelines for the operations of mortuaries."