
How Daily Habits can Damage Your Skin?

It’s never too late to take precautions because many tasks that we do as routine everyday may contribute to skin damage from the sun.

While people have generally come to recognize sunbathing as dangerous for skin health, they are not aware of hidden sources of skin damage like expired sunscreen. Sitting under the umbrella on the beach can also damage the skin as can waiting for too long in the car.

Glass in cars usually blocks UVB rays, but UVA rays, which cause skin damage, can penetrate this glass.

The best way to protect yourself is to wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. This sunscreen will confer 95% protection, say dermatologists, adding that it goes to 97% when you wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention sunscreen is important as the incidence of "melanoma of the skin increased by 7.7.% among men from 2003 to 2005, and by 2.9% among women from 1993 to 2005."

The American Cancer Society also advises sunscreen when going outdoors as almost 50% of all cancers in the U.S are skin cancers.

