A nanoengineering platform targets neutrophils, the white blood cells without killing pancreatic cancer cells paving the way for effective treatments.

The paper describes a previously unrecognized signaling circuit in Pancreatic cancer that instigates immunosuppression and tumor-promoting inflammation in the pancreatic tumor microenvironment, ultimately creating treatment resistance. The central regulator of this treatment resistance is neutrophil-derived TNF signaling. TNF, or tumor necrosis factor, is a substance in the body that causes inflammation.
This is the first study to implicate immunosuppressive signaling from immature neutrophils – the earliest sentinels in developing pancreatic cancer – in this process, said Jashodeep Datta, M.D., associate director of Translational Research at the Sylvester Pancreatic Cancer Research Institute. Datta, whose laboratory at Sylvester led the research, is senior author of the multicenter study.
Neutrophils in Pancreatic Cancer
He said the research is critical to scientists’ knowledge of pancreatic cancer – one of the most treatment-resistant cancers – because it “connects the molecular dots between the high-risk tumor genotypes that exist in pancreatic cancer and the specific molecular and cellular culprits – the immature neutrophils – that are involved in creating immunosuppressive networks in the pancreatic tumor microenvironment.” The research team, Datta, the DiMare Family Chair in Immunotherapy at the Miller School said, is “creating a road map to target each element of these molecular dots” to thwart this inflammatory process and overcome therapeutic resistance.Nipun Merchant, M.D., the founding director of the Sylvester Pancreatic Cancer Research Institute and a co-author of the paper, said the research “will pave the way to the ultimate goal of clinical studies, so that our findings can be directly translated to improve patient care.”
Datta said clinical trials will attempt to target the immunosuppressive pathway from numerous angles.
To make the discovery, the Sylvester team collaborated with researchers in different disciplines at the Miller School, including the departments of Microbiology and Immunology, the Diabetes Research Institute, and Public Health Sciences. They also worked with colleagues at other medical schools and cancer centers, including Johns Hopkins, the University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard.