
How Feasible is COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory?

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on May 15 2021 10:04 PM

 How Feasible is COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory?
Covid-19 Pandemic emerged in China in late 2019 affecting millions of people all over the world. Till now, the origin of the coronavirus is not found.
Recently, An international group of leading scientists in a letter to the journal Science acclaimed the chance of virus leak from Wuhan lab cannot be dismissed without complete investigation.

'More investigation is still needed to determine the origins of the pandemic,' said the 18 leading scientists, including Ravindra Gupta, a clinical microbiologist at the University of Cambridge, and Jesse Bloom, who studies the evolution of viruses at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Though a team from the World Health Organization along with Chinese experts after a month-long investigation in Wuhan concludes that there is a possibility of virus transmission from bats to people via an intermediary animal host and lab leak was extremely unlikely.

But the letter says there was no balance in considering the two origin theories - spillover from an animal and a lab leak during the WHO investigation.

Even the WHO's report detailing the findings, points out only four of the 313 pages discuss the possibility of a laboratory accident.

This urges stringent analytical and neutral investigation need to be place to avoid the conspiracy around the origin of the coronavirus.

