Study reveals the importance of host glycosylation, particularly GlcNAc-6-O-sulfation on intestinal mucins, in safeguarding against obesity and gut inflammation.
A group of Japanese researchers investigated the potential of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-6-O-sulfation in O-glycans, which involves chemically modifying the sugar structures present in mucins. Researchers aimed to determine if this approach could //mitigate obesity and intestinal inflammation using a mouse model. This paper was made available online and was published in Volume 8, Issue 16 of Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) Insight (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfation on intestinal mucins prevents obesity and intestinal inflammation by regulating gut microbiota
Go to source). Initial experiments conducted by the team revealed a significant difference between the intestinal microbiota of regular or “wild type” (WT) mice and Chst4–/– mice that lacked the gene Chst4 for the GlcNAc-6-O-sulfation of mucin glycans. The latter developed obesity and showed vulnerability to both experimental colitis—artificially induced inflammation of the colon—and colitis-associated cancer.
‘In a mouse model, Japanese scientists demonstrate the efficacy of glycan modification in intestinal mucins in preventing obesity and inflammation. #obesity #inflammation ’
Subsequent experiments revealed several key findings, a major among which was the following: Chst4–/– mice showed reduced fecal levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody produced by the immune system that is essential for protecting mucosal surfaces, including the gut, against foreign invasions. Reduced IgA levels in the murine feces, thus, indicate a compromised immune system. Connection Between Intestinal Glycan Changes and Obesity
When asked about their results, Professor Hiroto Kawashima from Chiba University’s Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, the team’s lead researcher says, “Chst4–/– mice lacking GlcNAc-6-O-sulfation of the mucin O-glycans showed significant weight gain and increased susceptibility to dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis as well as colitis-associated cancer accompanied by significantly reduced IgA production caused by an impaired T follicular helper cell-mediated IgA response.”Next, the team found out whether “cohousing” and “microbiota transplantation”—experiments that facilitate the transfer of bacteria between WT and Chst4–/– mice—provided any relief from the observed weight gain and increased susceptibility to colitis. As expected, restoring the healthy gut microbiota in the Chst4–/– rescued the mice from disease and boosted their immune system.
The study authors note that the findings have promising biomedical implications. For instance, enhancing sulfation may provide not only relief against intestinal inflammation but also improve the “barrier function” of epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissues are present in the lining of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract, among others. They defend against harmful entities by shielding internal body compartments from the external environment.
Although further studies seem necessary, the results may indeed apply not only to obesity and colitis but also to other types of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
The gut microbiota comprises microorganisms—bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists, archaeans, and other microbes—and related metabolites. Multiple studies acknowledge their close relationship with the immune system. Recently, intestinal microbiota have sparked enormous scientific interest due to their critical roles in protecting the body against many diseases and disorders. The current study confirms earlier findings on friendly gut bacteria while shedding light on a hitherto unknown mechanism involving their regulation by intestinal mucins.
- N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfation on intestinal mucins prevents obesity and intestinal inflammation by regulating gut microbiota - (