
How Long Does the Coronavirus Survive in Air?

by Iswarya on Mar 16 2020 3:12 PM

How Long Does the Coronavirus Survive in Air?
New coronavirus may survive in the air for nearly three hours and on certain surfaces for as long as three days, finds a new study.
This turns the earlier thinking right on its head that coronavirus only spreads from the surface and is not present in the air, especially near health care settings and hospitals.

Researchers found that COVID-19 can be detected up to 3 hours after aerosolization and can infect cells throughout that time period, reports Live Science.

However, the study, posted on the preprint database medRxiv, is still preliminary, because it has not undergone extensive peer-review.

"The authors did receive comments from one prospective scientific journal, and posted an updated version of the study on March 13 reflecting the revisions," said the report.

"We still don't know how high a concentration of viable SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) s needed in practice to infect a human being, though this is something we are looking to model in the future," study co-author Dylan Morris from Princeton University, told Live Science.

Aerosols can potentially travel across far greater distances.

In the current study, the researchers did not examine how far SARS-CoV-2 could conceivably travel through the air.

"More important, even if the aerosol transmission can occur, it''s unlikely to be the primary force driving the current pandemic," Morris said.

The current scientific consensus is that most new coronavirus transmissions are via respiratory secretions in the form of large respiratory droplets on surface.

