The child is always fit in the eyes of its mother even if they run the risk of being overweight or obese.
The Australian government has recently started, ads campaigning the need for Children to eat healthy and stay fit, instead off being a couch potato all day long, but the mothers of many over weight children fail to recognize that their children are so. In a medical survey conducted by the government states that while 19 % off the children were overweight or chubby the mothers failed to accept it saying that they are similar to their das or brothers at that age. The study also reports that most off the mothers feel that their child are as healthy and active as a normal child.
The Murdoch Children's Research Institute at the Royal Children's Hospital a study led by Dr Michele Campbell, where in mothers did agre that obesity was a very common problem they failed to recognise it on their own child. As they were more anxious that their child eats all the healthy food, instead off being chossy or bad eaters. The doctor furher felt that the problem once past the pre school years tendsto become a persistant hazard for the childs health and is not so easy to be rid off.Dr Michele Campbell, further felt that others were more worried off the fuure weight problems but yet failed to recognise it as a problem now and to start the management off reducing the risk on the child. It was further noted that mothers off overweight girls often acknowledged the problem than those with overweight>