
How to Choose the Right Mask to Fight COVID-19

by Adeline Dorcas on Dec 20 2022 4:45 PM
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How to Choose the Right Mask to Fight COVID-19
Wearing face masks can prevent COVID-19 infection and add more years to your life, say experts.
Awareness post-COVID-19 has led to a monumental increase in the use of face masks. People have started taking precautions now as a part of their daily routine to offset the spread of the virus. However, there is still a disconnect while picking the right mask.

Simple Tips for Choosing the Right Face Mask to Protect Against COVID-19

Hemant Sapra, Co-Founder and President of Karam Group shares five things to know before picking the right mask and ensuring maximum protection.

Filtration Capacity:

Before buying a mask try and understand its filtration efficiency. ISI-marked FFP2 are ideal against dust, pollution, and viruses as FFP2 masks filter particles down to 0.1-micron with at least 95 percent efficacy.

Types of masks:

A few types of masks are: Cloth masks- Protects only from heavy dust particles. Surgical Facemasks- ISI Certified under IS 16289:2014, Ideal for Medical Practitioners FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 disposable facemasks? ISI Certified under IS 9473:2002, Provides 90 percent to 97 percent filtration and protection against pollution, dust and pathogens.


Depending on your lifestyle and level of physical activity, it is crucial to test the breathability of the mask. Since masks have become a part of our routine now, one must invest in comfortable and breathable masks. Pick a mask that allows ample air ventilation and gives ease of breathing.

Certified masks:

The Government of India has recently taken a very focused approach toward certification parameters for facemasks. The Government of India has set up compliances for facemasks not only at the testing stages but also at the manufacturing stages. A company's manufacturing and testing facilities should be in accordance with BIS standards, ISO 13485:2016. A user should always look for ISI-certified facemasks.

The right fit:

Masks are meant to save you and others around you from the prevention of diseases. Therefore, fit matters. The mask should cover your nose and ideally fit across the bridge of your nose and cheeks, and also sit comfortably under your chin without any gaps. Having to readjust your mask time and again is very distracting and it compromises your health and safety.


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