To successfully keep stem cells 'forever young' during implantation by slowing their growth, differentiation and proliferation, is being explored by a new study.
A new study explores ways to successfully keep stem cells 'forever young' during implantation by slowing their growth, differentiation and proliferation.
"The successful storage and implantation of stem cells poses significant challenges for tissue engineering in the nervous system, challenges in addition to those inherent to neural regeneration," said Dr. Ellis-Behnke, co-author. "There is a need for creating an environment that can regulate cell activity by delaying cell proliferation, proliferation and maturation. Nanoscaffolds can play a central role in organ regeneration as they act as templates and guides for cell proliferation, differentiation and tissue growth. It is also important to protect these fragile cells from the harsh environment in which they are transplanted."According to Ellis-Behnke, advancements in nanotechnology offer a "new era" in tissue and organ reconstruction.
Thus, finding the right nano-sized scaffold could be beneficial, so researchers from the University of Hong Kong and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a 'self-assembling nanofiber scaffold' (SAPNS), a nanotechnology application to use for implanting young cells.
"Fine control of the nanodomain will allow for increased targeting of cell placement and therapeutic delivery amplified by cell encapsulation and implantation," Ellis-Behnke said.
The researchers created the scaffold to provide a substrate for cell adhesion and migration and to influence the survival of transplanted cells or the invasion of cells from surrounding tissue.
The SAPNS they developed appear to slow the growth rate and differentiation of the cells, allowing the cells time to acclimate to their new environment.
By manipulating both cell density and SAPNS concentration, the researchers were able to control the nanoenvironment surrounding PC 12 cells (a cell line developed from transplantable rat cells that respond to nerve growth factor), Schwann cells (glial cells that keep peripheral nerve fibers alive) and neural precursor cells (NPCs) and also control their proliferation, elongation, differentiation and maturation in vitro.
The researchers concluded that the use of a combination of SAPNS and young cells eliminated the need for immuno-suppressants when cells were implanted in the central nervous system.
The study has been published in the current issue of Cell Transplantation.