
How to Overcome Body Image Concerns in Women Living With PCOS

by Colleen Fleiss on Jun 17 2023 8:29 PM
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In women with PCOS, researchers stress the need for improved screening for body image concerns as it may impact their quality of life.

How to Overcome Body Image Concerns in Women Living With PCOS
Women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) face significant body image concerns, stated research.

What is PCOS

PCOS affects 7% to 10% of women and is the most common cause of infertility (1 Trusted Source
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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). It is also linked to metabolic //health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular health conditions, and mental health conditions including depression and anxiety.
“Although PCOS, depression and anxiety have a substantial correlation, it remained unclear whether there is a similar correlation between PCOS and body image issues,” said Punith Kempegowda, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Acute Medicine at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham in Birmingham, U.K. “If left untreated, body image issues can result in Body Dysmorphic Disorder, a mental health condition in which a person spends a lot of time stressing about imperfections in their looks. This may also increase the risk of developing eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.”

Revealing Body Image Concerns in Girls Living with PCOS

Kempegowda and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of all studies on body image concerns published as of July 2022. They identified nine relevant studies, with sample sizes ranging from 33 to 201 for people with PCOS and from 22 to 225 for people without PCOS, resulting in a total of 918 women with PCOS and 865 without PCOS for their review.

The researchers conducted a meta-analysis of three studies using the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS). The findings were clinically significant, showing women living with PCOS reported feeling worse on appearance evaluation and appearance orientation compared to those without PCOS.

Kempegowda and the group also completed a meta-analysis of two studies showing significantly greater overweight preoccupation, lower body areas satisfaction, and higher self-classified body weight on MBSRQ-AS subscales in those with PCOS compared to those without the condition.

However, there were no statistically significant differences in the BESAA appearance and attribution scores between the two groups.

  1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - (












