Study by the University of Arizona looking into germs in office spaces and their breading grounds.
A study conducted by the University of Arizona brought some fascinating conclusions forward about office cleanliness between men and women.
Professor Charles Gerba heading the $40,000 study commissioned by Clorox co. found, that office desks apparently seem to harbor more bacteria then most workplace restrooms.Shocking yet true, and there’s more. Women, tend to have three to four times more germs in, on and around their work stations, mobile phones, keyboards and personal items then when compared to men. Even their draws are not safe from bacteria!
Dr. Charles, a professor of soil, water and environmental sciences in his study tested offices in Los Angeles, Washington DC, San Francisco, Orgon, New York and over 100 office on the UA campus.
It was found that women’s office tend to be an ideal breading ground for germs due to a number of reasons, even though they may look typically cleaner. Gerba at a press conference said. "I thought for sure men would be grimier. But women have more interactions with small children and keep food in their desks. The other problem is makeup."
Cosmetics and makeup cases are ideal environments for bacteria to breed in. Cosmetics have a tendency to absorb germs. Spongiest and brushes used to put makeup onto the face transfers not only the germs breeding in the cosmetic, but, also helps to scattered them around.
Hand lotions, another devil in an angles in disguised when gets onto a surface, the lotion traps bacteria and makes it, the prime germ transfer agent! Other hot areas for germs are phones, purses and desk draws.
The research found that 75 percent of women had some munchies in their draws.
“We think in the case of the wallet, it's because it tends to stay in a warm place: the back pocket. Germs like warm places. Also, for the Palm Pilot, men like to play a lot of games and fiddle with gadgets, so they just tend to get touched a lot," concluded Dr Gerba.
Some of the ways to cut down germs would be to use germ arsenals like disinfectant wipes and sprays. Everyday items like cell phones, desk phones should be cleaned regularly to get rid of bacteria.
According to Dr. Charles Gerba, "You need to use a disinfectant wipe, or spray disinfectant on a paper towel, and clean the phone off. Never directly spray disinfectant cleaner on phone. Do not use soap and water — that just pushes the germs around."
It is also recommended that one uses wallets and purses made out of materials what can be easily wiped, like leather, as fabric bags are harder to clean and hence hold more germs.