Sixty-year-old John MacDonald’s life turned awry last year in March after he took a sip from a can of beer he had accidentally dropped on the Brisbane river

John was on a fishing trip in March last year when the can of beer he was holding slipped and fell into the river. He just picked it up and began gulping the beer.
Several rounds of treatment at the hospital followed by several surgeries and antibiotics but nothing has helped get rid of a large mass that is growing from inside the stomach.
John was operated in May 2013 again and his stomach was flat, but the mass has grown back again and doctors have said they cannot operate on him at least for a year.
Appealing to all for a cure for his mystery illness, John said, ‘They operated and I was left with a flat stomach. But not long after when you can see what you had for supper you know something is wrong, that was the day I knew I was in strife. I'm told we have to start the whole process again. Clearly the Brisbane River is far more polluted than people think - it was a split second decision on my part - a stupid one - and I have to live with this for the rest of my life. I want to tell my story to the world in the hope that someone somewhere might answer my prayers and finally get me well - I'm a good bloke and I want to be around for my kids and my little grandchild so if there's a bloody good doc out there that can help, then give me a holler.'