We are often unable to recognise the symptoms of heart failure. Now, experts are encouraging everyone to learn the signs and symptoms of heart failure.
Complacency on knowledge of heart disease and its symptoms is probably worse than an unhealthy lifestyle - your ignorance could kill you! Experts are encouraging everyone to learn the signs and symptoms of heart failure, just in case...
Shortness of breath when doing daily activities and weakness in legs with activity and exercise might not be just fatigue. These symptoms point towards a risk of heart failure.Even a persistent cough, swelling in the feet, ankles, legs, or fingers and a fluttering or racing heart, light-headedness, or chest pain might indicate cardiovascular risk.lthough there is no cure for heart failure, it can be treated and managed if medications are taken on time, eating a low-salt, heart-healthy diet and exercising regularly
For those who smoke, kicking the butt and limit or avoid alcohol will do the needful.
It is necessary to weigh yourself daily and keep track of your weight and symptoms
Moreover, managing stress can also help keep you away from the hospital.