
Immense Damage to Developing Brains Due to Binge Drinking

by Savitha C Muppala on Jun 29 2011 5:41 PM

University of Cincinnati researchers conducted a study which showed the immense risk to developing brains due to binge drinking.

 Immense Damage to Developing Brains Due to Binge Drinking
University of Cincinnati researchers conducted a study which showed the immense risk to developing brains due to binge drinking.
Binge drinking especially among youth in the 18-25 age group could destroy certain areas in the brain that help with processing emotions, concentration and decision-making.

"Alcohol might be neurotoxic to the neuron cells, or, since the brain is developing in one's 20s, it could be interacting with developmental factors and possibly altering the ways in which the brain is still growing,” researchers said.

