Is it Autumn or Fall Allergy Season? Watch out, fall allergy triggers such as ragweed can wreak havoc on your health this fall season. However, immunotherapy could be the best weapon to fight fall allergies.

‘Is it Autumn or fall allergy season? Watch out, fall allergy triggers such as ragweed can wreak havoc on your health this Fall season. However, immunotherapy could be the best weapon to fight fall allergies.’

“Immunotherapy, in the form of allergy shots or under-the-tongue tablets, can make a huge difference for allergy sufferers,” says allergist Todd Mahr, MD, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). “Both allergy shots and tablets work by changing your immune system. They decrease some cells, chemicals, and antibodies in your system that cause allergy symptoms and increase others that improve health. Allergy shots and tablets allow you to encounter your allergens without having a reaction.”

Ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger in the fall. Ragweed usually starts releasing pollen with cool nights and warm days in August and can last into October or until the first hard frost. Most people who are allergic to spring plants are also allergic to ragweed. Luckily, ragweed is one of the pollens that can be treated with both allergy shots and tablets.
Allergy shots can be used to treat all grass, tree and weed pollens, mold spores, cat and dog dander and house dust mites. If you are allergic to more than one of these things, your allergist will formulate a shot targeted to treat your specific allergens.
Allergy tablets treat one allergen at a time and are available for grass and ragweed pollens, and for dust mites. The tablets need to be started at least three months before allergy season begins. Talk with your allergist to see if this might be a good option for you. If you are treating your allergy symptoms with over-the-counter or prescription medications, it’s important to start taking fall allergy medication two weeks or so before symptoms usually begin. You should also continue your medication for two weeks after the first hard frost. Both nasal and eye symptoms associated with ragweed allergies can linger after pollen is no longer in the air.
While you treat your symptoms, you should also know what’s causing your allergies because, if possible, you want to avoid the allergens in daily life. So how do you avoid allergens?
If you suffer from any seasonal allergies, see a board-certified allergist. Allergists are trained to diagnose and treat your symptoms, and to work with you to create an individual action plan so you can live the life you want.