
Improvements in ADHD with Fish Oil

Severe ADHD and impulsivity symptoms showed dramatic improvements with fish oil supplements in teenagers. Durham County Council’s senior education psychologist, Dr Madeleine Portwood, ran a trial on 25 teenagers who had been rated with moderate to severe ADHD and impulsivity symptoms with a combination of omega-3 fish and omega-6 evening primrose oil over a period of three months

94% of these students aged 12 to 15 also had a high rating of inattention.

When these teenagers were assessed again there was a significant improvement in their behavior. It was found that severe ADHD and severe impulsivity had dropped to 28 percent and severe inattention fell to about 17 percent in this group.

These trials were conducted on teenagers who had persistent behavioural problems with even a risk of expulsion from school.

Dr Porland claimed that after taking these fatty acid supplements, there was a dramatic improvement in their behavioural problems.
