Transcendental meditation is a technique for detaching oneself from anxiety and promoting harmony and self-realisation by meditation, repetition of a mantra, etc.

‘After four months of practicing the meditation technique, the women inmates had significant reductions in total trauma symptoms, including intrusive thoughts and hyperarousal.’

The results showed that after four months of practicing the meditation technique, the women inmates had significant reductions in total trauma symptoms, including intrusive thoughts and hyperarousal. 

They also felt less stressed and experienced a greater sense of inner freedom and resilience, the researchers said.
'The study shows a natural and effortless alternative approach to reducing trauma symptoms in women's mental health," said lead author Sanford Nidich, Director of the Center for Social and Emotional Health at Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, US.
Practising the meditation technique allows the mind to transcend to quieter levels and has very specific effects on the body -- effects that are the opposite of the body's hyperaroused state known as the flight-or-fight response.
The system involved in this arousal, known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, is significantly decreased in its activity, thus helping people not to get affected by stress.
For the study, the team encouraged prison inmates to practice transcendental meditation individually in their prison cells twice daily and encouraged them to attend 30-40 minutes group meditation sessions, supervised by a teacher, twice a week over the four-month study period.
The study was published in The Permanente Journal.