
Increase in sugar...decrease in brain function!!!

Long term effects of increase in blood sugar namely blindness, malfunction of the kidneys are known. But what about their immediate effects??. The

Long term effects of increase in blood sugar namely blindness, malfunction of the kidneys are known. But what about their immediate effects??. The researchers of Virginia have now come out with astonishing details that a raise in the blood sugar decreases the brain function.

More than 100 adults with type 1 diabetes hwo had four symptoms which included, being sleepy; having dry eyes, nose or mouth, having a sweet taste in their mouth and needing to urinate, which were the symptoms of high blood sugar, were studied by the researchers from the Center for Behavioral Medicine Research at the University of Virginia. When tested for mental mathematical tests and verbal fluency tests it was found that such abilities slowed when the blood sugar was greater than 270. It was also found that all the four symptoms increased with the raise in blood sugar.

Daniel Cox, M.D., from the University of Virginia says, "For the first time, we can demonstrate that performance of the brain is impaired in the short term when a patient has too much blood sugar. Once you get above a blood glucose level of about 270, the brain starts to show evidence of slowing down. A similar thing happens when you get to a level of less than 80. The brain works optimally between those levels".

This is rather an eye opener, the research, by which keeping blood sugar at control is elemental in the treatment to maintain the function of the brain.









