According to the study conducted by Steven M. Kurtz there is an increase in demand for artificial hips.
According to the study conducted by Steven M. Kurtz, of Exponent Inc., a Philadelphia-based engineering and scientific consulting firm, there is an increase in demand for artificial hips. Statistics show that the number of artificial joints needed to replace damaged knees will rise 673 % to 3.5 million a year by 2030. The study showed that the demand for artificial hips is estimated to jump 174 % over the same period to 572,000 a year.
The Chicago Tribune reported that previously artificial joints were not available to individuals who had joint problems. Due to this they were crippled. Dr. Joshua J. Jacobs, associate chairman of orthopedic surgery at Rush University Medical Center said that now that artificial joints are available, people can do the normal work and returned to a higher quality of life.According to a 2003 National Institutes of Health report almost about 90% of the people who get an artificial knee replacement report pain relief, improved mobility and a better quality of life. The study results were presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons` annual meeting in Chicago.