
India And China Discuss Import Of Encephalitis Vaccine

India and China discussed the vital issue of importing vaccines to restrain Japanese Encephalitis (JE), which has already taken a heavy toll of human lives in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

India and China discussed the vital issue of importing vaccines to India to restrain Japanese Encephalitis (JE), which has already taken a heavy toll of human lives in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

China is the only country in the world where the JE vaccine is available in sizable quantity, and hence, it would be easier to procure the vaccine from China.

Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Anbumani Ramadoss, is in China on a five-day visit aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation in the health sector, and explore possibilities of cooperating in the field of systems of traditional medicine.

Ramadoss, who is currently on an official visit to China, discussed with his Chinese counterpart Gao Qiang, and President of the National Family Planning Commission of China Zhang Weiqing, the feasibility of importing vaccines from China.

Dr Ramadoss sought the vaccines during his talks with health officials to start vaccination in the endemic areas from next year.

Ramadoss ascertained from his Chinese counterpart, the number of years the vaccine would provide immunization and whether it would meet global standards. China’s ability to meet India’s requirement of 12.5 million doses, beginning March to the end of April in 2006, was also part of the talks.

With three more casualties being reported during the past 24 hours, the toll from brain fever in seven East Uttar Pradesh districts has risen to 1063. As per latest information by the UP health authorities, the aggregate number of Japanese Encephalitis patients in seven districts of Gorakhpur and Basti divisions was 4485, with seven new cases being reported in different public hospitals during the past 24 hours.

Other important issues covered, included areas of cooperation, including indigenous systems of medicines (export and import), their processing technologies, quality control and export-processing zone for traditional medicines.

The talks would also cover stem cell research and new technologies in reproductive health. Ramadoss would also visit the Chinese exposition on











