Post COVID-19 there is a rapid revival in the transplant activities, India has attained more than 15,000 transplants in a year (2022).

‘India has a rising geriatric population and to ensure quality of life for them, it is extremely important to update the communication and awareness strategy, so that potential organ donors come forward.’

He underlined three priority areas, which include programmatic restructuring, communication strategy and skilling of professionals.

Organ Donation in India
He further said that along with training programmes, wide publicity and awareness through not just print and electronic media, but engaging with local stakeholders and NGOs can be taken up."Despite having over 640 medical hospitals and colleges, transplants remain a specialised service limited to some hospitals only. There is a need to expand the number of institutions where surgeries and transplants are undertaken. Thus, to increase surgeries/transplants in the country, along with sensitization and training for healthcare professionals, our physical infrastructure must be optimally utilized," Bhushan said.
The event was attended by Notto Director, Rajneesh Sehai; Medical Superintendent of Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. BL Sherwal, along with senior officials of the Ministry, experts from the medical fraternity, healthcare professionals and representatives from the industry.