There is a need for an advisory from the Delhi government clarifying that Dengue ELISA is not vital or pre requisite for admission or therapy but haemogram is.
Before treating a patient for dengue, there are different types of tests that have been run through, while some of these tests give immediate results, some take at least 4-6 hours. The Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) has urged the Delhi government to issue an advisory clarifying Dengue ELISA is not required to start treatment of the vector-borne disease or for getting admitted to hospitals.
People believe that nothing can be done unless Dengue ELISA report is made available. Due to logistic reasons ELISA reports cannot be issued before its due time which cannot be less than six hours for each run.
Contrary to the rapid tests the results of which are available in 15-30 mins, the ELISA IgM tests cannot be done on a single sample basis and takes a minimum of 4-6 hours.
It requires optimal batching of samples to a certain number to ensure optimal utilization of the assay and cannot be done in a hurry. Noting there is no specific anti-viral therapy for dengue disease, the president of IAMM, Dr. B L Sherwal said a patient need not wait for a laboratory confirmation to start the supportive treatment.
’Thus, there is a need for an advisory from your esteemed office clarifying that Dengue ELISA is not vital or pre requisite for admission or therapy but haemogram is,’ said the letter by Dr Chand Wattal, Secretary of IAMM.