The study demonstrates the superiority of Everolimus eluting stents over Paclitaxel eluting stents which will help improve outcomes in treatment of diabetic patients with coronary blocks.

The randomized study demonstrates the superiority of Everolimus eluting stents over Paclitaxel eluting stents which will help improve outcomes in treatment of diabetic patients with coronary blocks.
As per the findings, the use of Everolimus eluting stents may be equally or more useful in treating coronary blockages in diabetic patients than bypass surgery.
The study was presented at the 'Trans catheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics' (TCT) conference in San Fransisco, considered the largest gathering of eminent cardiologists. It has also made it to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
"The study conclusively showed that 'Everolimus eluting stents' are superior than 'Paclitaxel eluting stents', putting to rest a decade-old controversy in the medical world. It demonstrated that they are not equal," said Prof Kaul.
With over 40 million diabetics, India is known as diabetes capital of the world and the findings of the research will come in handy in treating those who have developed heart ailments.
"Drug coated stents prevent tissue growth in the artery so that there is no recurrence of blockage," Prof Kaul added.
"As per the study, the difference between surgery and angioplasty with the use of the new stent may narrow down. But time will tell whether they will become equal or the angioplasty with the new stent will become superior," said Prof Kaul.
He said the findings of the study should prompt a relook at choosing between coronary artery bypass surgery and angioplasty in diabetics.
Prof Kaul said the study has put India on the global map in clinical research.
The study arrived at its conclusion as it was observed that use of 'Everolimus eluting stents' resulted in less chances of heart attacks emanating from the stented artery and reduced the need for repeat angioplasty.
The study, that was conceived in 2010, ended on March 2014 after which the findings were looked into and conclusions reached. Each patient was observed over a period of one year and is now extended into the second year.
"The implications of this trial are that it supports scientifically the widespread use of limus-based drug eluting stents even in diabetic patients including those requiring insulin," said Arambram.