The University Grants Commission has directed all universities to observe International Yoga Day and has listed activities to be held on that day.

In the directive, Sandhu has suggested, "In the morning, a demo by yoga practitioners may be organized on Yoga Day. The willing students and faculties of the universities may practice yoga as shown by the practitioners. The other students/faculties may, however, observe the same. The best participants of the yoga session may be awarded prizes and certificates at a function to be organized on that day. An exhibition on yogic postures may be organized, for which banners may be displayed for awareness on the campus. Online essay competition may be organized and the best students may be awarded with prizes and certificates. Accordingly, you are requested to kindly observe the International Day of Yoga on June 21 by adopting the above mentioned activities in your esteemed university and affiliated colleges and send action taken to UGC by email ("