A two-day conference between India and the US is beginning in New York today. It aims to strengthen ties between the two countries in the field of health care.
A two-day conference between India and the US is beginning in New York today. It aims to strengthen ties between the two countries in the field of health care.
The conference titled, "Affordability of Health Care in India and the US: Is Privatisation the Problem or Solution?" will discuss issues critical to the coordination of public policy and firm-level strategies in both the countries, a press release issued by Observer Research Foundation, which is jointly organising the event with Asia Society, stated.Participants at the conference have been drawn from regulatory bodies, pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organizations, hospitals, institutional review boards, managed care companies, insurance companies, biotech companies, diagnostic companies, patient advocacy groups and bioethics experts.
The conference will have presentations on important topics such as partnering in drug discovery, generic production and marketing, biotech and regulation, besides a public program focusing on the seminar theme.
Common concerns and policy recommendations for the US and India, and areas for further study and future action will be identified at the conference. A white paper will be disseminated to policy makers of both countries after the conference, the release added.
Dr. Arnold Relman, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Social Medicine in Harvard Medical School, is the featured speaker at the conference. The panellists, who will be present at the conference, include Rangana Sarma, Chief Medical Officer, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences in Karimnagar in Andhra Pradesh, Satish Jha, Chairman of e-Health Foundation, B M Hegde, Chairman of State Health Society's Expert Committee in the Bihar Government; and Ranjit Roy Chaudhuri, Chairman of Apollo Hospitals Education and Research Foundation.